Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bye Bye 2009

Bye, Bye 2009. It's time to bid you farewell and usher in a new and hopefully prosperous new year. Our 2009 was full of adventure, failure, excitement, sadness, growth, and injury but mostly full of love. Please enjoy our trip down memory lane..........

The beginning of the year brought us a little winter weather. Do you see the look of pure joy on their faces? That is the product of a few mere flurries of the white stuff. The 3W's didn't care how much there was of it, they were just excited to see it. Snow, Snow, Snow!!!!!!!!!

My baby lost his first tooth in February. It was an exciting day for him and a sad day for me. It was our last first tooth :(

January and February was full of basketball games for the #1W and #2 W. Can you believe it, they were both HORNETS!
Here's our Lady Hornet! Don't you love the braids?

#2 is waiting to see if the foul is called on him. He likes to play aggressive. We saw the inside of gymnasiums all over the Middle Georgia Area. #3W was such a trooper. Cheerfully going wherever the game was but always looking for ways to entertain himself as well as the crowd. Check out this crowd pleasing trick!

The weekend after Valentine's Day, Mouse and I hosted DATE NIGHT BUNKO for my Bunko group. It was so much fun. There was lots of good food and drink but mostly good company. We enjoyed rolling the dice and a few of us even left with some special prizes to spice up our date night.

March came with Mouse's 42nd birthday, #1W's 12th birthday and my 41st. Mouse and I quietly passed our days hoping no one would notice but the #1W chose a special way to celebrate her Big Day! She invited 4 of her closest friends to attend a Magic show at our church. His name was Brock Gill and he is a Christian Illusionist. It was impressive!

In March our two dogs, Macy and Cleo were taken from us. And when I say taken, I literally mean taken. Someone came into our yard and took them. First Cleo and 5 weeks later, to the day, someone took Macy. We still mourn the loss of these two great ladies. The were a very special part of our family. We miss you Cleo and Macy.

On a rainy evening in April, while driving down Bluff Road, we spotted this pup. She was about 4 weeks old, covered in mange and fleas. She had no fur to speak of, but we saw something
special in her. We picked her up on the side of that muddy road
and brought her home. After many attempts at a name that had
some meaning to it, we finally gave up and called her Jessie. She is
the most interesting dog I have ever been around. She craves
human affection and she LOVES US!!!!

In the spring, we were base balling it every day. #2W moved up
to B ball and #3W played his last year of T ball. Mouse helped coach the B ball Rangers. Let me just say, it was a nightmare season. I really thought we had lost him to coaching forever. Regardless of the record and even with all the frustration, #2W loved playing. #3W was a T ball Brave this year. He was so serious on the field and in the dugout. He is looking forward to moving up to C ball next year.
Once again, the Fort Valley Arts Alliance presented another children's play this spring. The Wizard of Oz had 2 performances the last weekend in May. Tryouts were held in April and practice began shortly after. Here are The Funky Narrator, The Scarecrow and Munchkin. It was a GREAT SHOW! The Saturday of the final show, #2W and #3W had baseball games. #3's was farely early in the day so there was to be no conflicts and #2's was to start at 4. Theoretically it should have been over by 6, we hop in the car, he change and be at the Theater by 6:30 in plenty of time for the 7:00 show. At 4:00 the 2:00 game was not over and and at 4:15 it went into extra innings. Needless to say, his game got started about 5:00 was over by 6:40 and we pulled into the theater with 5 minutes to spare. In May, the 3W's, my mother and myself made a trip to Oklahoma for my cousin's wedding. #3W had been asked to be the ring bearer.
Doesn't he look handsome in his tux. We enjoyed out time in the tuxedo store and watching him be dressed by the sales lady. He was loving every minute of it

The #3W had a great Kindergarten year with Aunt Marshy and his teacher. Here they are on the last day of school. There were lots of tears. They will miss each other next year but loved every minute of this year together.

Here he is with his three best friends from school. Can you spell t-r-o-u-b-l-e?

The #2W celebrated his double digit birthday with a bash at grandma and grandaddy's house. We brought the Rock Wall and Slip n Slide and let them swim in the pool but I think they had more fun playing baseball in the yard.

Our Family Vacation at Ormond was a GREAT trip again this year. The Bent Palm is our most favorite place on earth

School started back with a bang. #1W a 7th Grader, #2W a 4th Grader and #3W in the 1st Grade. For the first time ever, they were all in school at the same place. Much easier on momma but much harder on the pocketbook. #2W and #3W played in the Little Stinger Football league at school. At a practice after the 1st game, #2W broke his arm. We thought for sure his football season was done for the year but the Dr. E said if he wanted to continue playing he could. (Was he kidding!!!!!) Their 2nd game was the night he got his cast put on. We came home from the doctor, he put on his jersey and we headed to the game. His coaches were great and allowed him to warm up with the team and even serve as a captain for the coin toss. He was at practice in full pads the next week and never missed another game. He even had to wear the cast a couple extra weeks to be able to continue to the end of the season. As a 1st grader, #3w served as a whipping boy to get pulverized and knocked down for the majority of his 1st season as a Hornet. They play had and get hit hard just to make it to the final game where they get to carry the ball. Everyone cleared their schedules to attend and he gave us a good show. He even got to carry the ball twice.
In November, #1W tried out the the school basketball team and made it. She was thrilled as were we. The beginning of 2010 will be full of exciting games to watch. She was also nominated for the Duke TIP Scholarship. This is really exciting. Her grades on the ITBS test were so high that she was chosen by Duke University to participate in this program they have for 7th Graders. She will take the SAT in January and Duke University will follow her throughout the remainder of her school years. It seems to be a pretty big deal! We are very proud of her. She is growing up to be quite a young lady. Thanksgiving was spent with family from out of town. My uncle and aunt from Oklahoma , my aunt and her family from Florida and my cousins were here for several days. Andrew, Kim, Jared and Sarah stayed at our house. We loved every minute they were here.
I started training for a half marathon. That is 13.1 miles. The race will be held on February 6, 2010 on Tybee Island. I know you think I'm crazy. I think I'm crazy but I'm excited at the same time. It will be quite an accomplishment for me. I have made 2 new friends and they are training with me as well as Rebecca from Rebecca's Ramblings. It will be a fun race! I'll let you know how it turns out.
Here is the picture of the 3W's and Jessie from our Christmas card this year. We have had such a blessed year. One that has been spent trying to heal broken hearts and fill voids that were once overflowing with life. God has been so good to send peace and love for our family. Our prayer for 2010 is continued peace and love. We are going to try to live a simpler life in 2010. Spend less and give more is our new moto. For me, I want to be more available to my children and Mouse. Not just taking care of their physical needs but to listen to them and spend time with them when they want me to not when I have time to. I am praying for a successful year with our business and year full of love for our family. Until next time.....

Friday, December 11, 2009

OCTOBER 14, 2009


My baby turned 7 today! I can't believe it. I have loved every minute of the last 7 years with you and can hardly wait to see what tomorrow holds. I love you, Muffin!!!!