Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I have a lot of catching up to do. Let's see.... where do I begin? I guess first of all I should let everyone know that my breast biopsy came back negative for cancer and I have recovered from the procedure. I do have a really nice scar to show for it though. I guess there will be no nude photo shoot in my future. (not that there would have been one any way :) On the 24th I had the surgery to remove the skin cancer from my forehead. OMG!!! When they took me back to the room to remove the bandage and talk with the doctor about the repair work, I was in for the shock of my life. Did I mention, that this place on my forehead was about the size of a pencil eraser? When they held the mirror for me to see, I couldn't do anything but cry. I looked like I had a bullet hole about the size of a nickle in my head. 25 stitches later, I am cancer free. Thank the Lord. March 25th was my #1W's 12th Birthday. Please put our family on your daily prayer list. March 28th was my 41st birthday. Mouse and I went out for a great meal and he gave me a Wii Fit. I LOVE IT!!! We are in the throws of baseball season. It is one of my favorite past times. Both of my boys are playing and as busy as we are, I love attending the games as well as the practices. I will close with the latest story that #3W shared with his class today. Mouse put a steak knife in my purse at the restaurant the other knife. #3W found it this morning and asked where it came from. I told him it was an extra one and that daddy put it in my purse. I get a call from my sister in law today. She is #3W's teacher. Apparently he told his class today that his daddy stole a knife and that I had it in my car. Before I received the call from her, he and I were sitting in the car and he asked me why daddy stole the knife. I told him that daddy didn't steal the knife and proceeded to repeat the story I had told him this morning. He stands up and put his hand on his hips and said "You mean to tell me, I told all the kids in my class that for nothing?!?" I know you think there is no way to top that but it gets better. Mouse comes home and gets on to him for telling stories at school. Mouse tells him that momma and daddy don't steal and he pulls out his wallet and shows it to him. "I have enough money to buy a knife if I want one. I don't have to steal one and don't go to school tomorrow and talk about me showing you my wallet, ok?" Hold onto your seat, the response is priceless. "OK daddy, I won't. I know why too. Cause you might have stole it!"

Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 25, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRISS!!! Seems like it was just yesterday that you came to brighten our world. We have enjoyed the last 11 years of great memories and are looking forward to many, many more. WE LOVE YOU POOKIE ROO!!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dead woMan Walking

Did you ever watch the movie Dead Man Walking with Sean Penn? He was a criminal who had been sentenced to death. The movie centered around his last few days on death row and the famous scene of the "Dead Man Walking." It was an awesome movie. I don't like Sean Penn but the story was great and he was great in it. I felt like Sean Penn today. I had my surgery on Friday and have waited 5, incredibly long days for the biopsy results. Yesterday was horrible. Even though I have been through this before, I was just as scared as the last time. Maybe even more scared if that is possible. I woke up about 3:30am and never went back to sleep. All I could think about was how the doctor would break the news to me. I didn't want to walk in that room and be suprised by anything he said. Every scenario I could possibly imagine played out in my mind. I had felt all morning like this doctors appointment was going to be similar to going before a judge and being handed a death sentence. I met Mouse in front of the doctor's office and couldn't even look at him. I was going to walk in their strong and without fear but I knew if I looked at him, he would see right through my flimsy facade. I expected a long wait but was suprised with hearing my name being called immediately upon signing in. You know what I was thinking, " They have been waiting on me." I felt like my legs were made of lead with sand bags tied to my feet. I was a DEAD woMAN WALKING!! I undressed and we waited on the judge, I mean doctor. He walked in and said the words I was desperate to hear (but didn't dare hope for), "Everything is Good. NO CANCER. I could barely breathe. For the first time, I looked over at Mouse. He was in tears. Maybe we were both in the same place when we walked into that doctors office. It is so crazy how our lives just plod along the same way, day after day and week after week and then you get a word that your life might not be exactly as you had been planning it to be. Everything you have been counting on and everything you have been expecting, STOPS while you wait on words from a stranger. Someone who knows absolutely nothing about you or your family or your life and you know nothing about him except that he holds your life in his hands. At the end of the day, I am so grateful for the beautiful words from this stranger.