I have always been a goal oriented person. I thrive on setting a goal or having a project and working to see the finished product. When I started running a little over 3 years ago, that's exactly how I got started. I went to the internet and printed a training plan (How to run a 5K when you have never run before.) It gave me daily directions from choosing the race, when and how to register and what types of exercise I needed to do every day so that I would be successful in finishing the race. On Saturday, February, 6, 2010, myself, Cher, Rebecca (from Rebecca's Ramblings) and Cher's husband, Dr. D along with about 1500 others accomplished a serious goal. WE RAN THE CRITZ TYBEE HALF MARATHON!!!
That's 13.1 miles my friend!! Rebecca presented me with the idea back in October. Cher and I had been running for a few months, so I asked her about it and she in turn talked with Dr. D. We were a little nervous about such an undertaking but decided to hit the ground running, literally. We took different approaches in reaching the goal yet each of us were successful in completing it. Below is a photo history of our accomplishment......

Dr. D, Cher and I getting ready to head to the starting line. It is so funny to me that we look so happy!! Don't know if you can see the bumps in my pocket, but they are peanut m&m's. Cher read somewhere about runners eating a peanut m&m after each mile they finished in a marathon (a sweet treat to reward yourself with each mile closer to the finish line) I bought some and we put them in our pockets, however, we only ate them through the first 6 miles.

Here are Cher, Me and Rebecca. Check out Rebecca's Bib Number. When she got on the elevator the morning of the race, she had a gentleman say to her, "Wow, your number 5, you must be really fast. Rebecca just laughed and told him the Bib's were numbered by your last name"

Headed to the start line. Cher is really excited. Me, just nervous. I think I must have fixed my hat and pony tail 100 times before the race started.

And we're off!! Me in the red hat, Cher in the blue jacket, Dr. D beside her in the black jacket and Rebecca to his left.

Check out those smiles !!!!!

Here we are coming back by the hotel, we have just finished 7 miles. Our cheering section was able to see us at this point in the race. Cher passed off her jacket and we exchanged a couple high fives. It was a little emotional for me to have my children there cheering for me, but I had looked forward to seeing them at the half way point. I knew just seeing them would inspire me to keep going.

We have run more miles than we have left to run at this point. It seems like that would be a comforting thought and it is but the next 6 will be the toughest.

Here come Dr. D and Rebecca at the halfway point.

Check out Kermit. He ran the whole race riding on this gentleman's back. Never had a chance to speak with him but I wondered what he was trying to accomplish with his green partner.

Here we come toward the finish line.

We have caught sight of our cheering section!

At this point, I was crying so hard. I can't believe we are about to finish!
We have been working to accomplish this goal for the past 12 weeks. We have run in the rain, in the dark, in freezing temperatures and with injuries. We have learned how fragile our bodies are and how important what we eat and how much we drink is to our well being. I have pushed myself beyond anything I ever imagined.

Notice the clock. Our goal was to finish in 2 hours and 30 minutes. We hoped we could do it in 2 hours and 20 minutes. We crossed the finish line in 2 hours, 11 minutes and 13 seconds. However, that was the Race Clock Time. Our Chip Time, which is based on the chip we wear on our shoe, and starts your race time the minute you step on the mat at the start and stops when you step on the mat at the finish line, was 2 hours, 9 minutes and 59 seconds.

Triumphant Finishers!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is Rebecca on her way to the finish line!!!

Dr. D experienced a knee injury during the race but finished in spite of it. Here he is with Cher making his way to the finish line

Official finishers of the Critz Tyee Half Marathon, medals and all!
What a Goal.......What an Accomplishment.....
Wow! That is certainly something to be proud of. Congrats!
Yes indeed!
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