On the 4th Day of Christmas, we got 4 WISHES. We created wish lists today that consisted of 4 wishes each. The catch was that these wishes were not for ourselves. I had to come up with 4 wishes for #1W. She had #2W. #2W had his little brother #3. #3 had Mouse and Mouse had me. We decided on who had whom this morning so that we had the day to think about that person and what we wished for them. The only rule was that it could not be something you could buy with money. We shared our wish lists over dinner tonight. It was so sweet to watch the expressions on the faces of the one who was receiving the wishes. They delighted in the few moments of positive, individual, undivided attention. The most interesting part of the the whole event was the wishes bestowed. Some were very simple, like the Big Deer #3W wished for Mouse and the wish for a good grade on the spelling test tomorrow by #1W for #2W. Others were deeper and somewhat more thoughtful like Mouse's wish for me to find peace in the coming year. I so wish for that too. I enjoyed thinking seriously about my daughter today and being able to verbalize some of my wishes for her. So far, this may have been the best learning experience of the 12 Days Challenge. I also learned to never under estimate the mind of a 6 year old. This morning, after we had handed out the assignments for the wishes, #3 piped up with this incredible line,"If I was making wishes for #1W and #2W, I would wish for them to have a better attitude." I think he got this challenge, what do you think?
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