Wednesday, February 25, 2009

She Took My Breath Away

I had been struggling with making arrangements for the W's on Friday morning when I have my biopsy. I knew it would probably be easier for me to have them spend the night with family or friends so I would be assured they got to school on time and that no one had to wake up at the crack of dawn to be at my house and get them ready. But I also knew how concerned they were about me and I didn't want them to be with someone else on Thursday night when they wanted to be at home with me and Mouse. I thought about it so much my head hurt and I finally decided to just ask them what they wanted to do. So, on the the way to school Monday morning I asked them if they wanted me to make arrangements for them to spend the night off on Thursday night or stay at home with us. I explained that their daddy and I would be leaving very early on Friday morning and we could have grammy come to our house to get them off to school or they could go to a friends home on Thursday night. The boys didn't really seem to care. Their only concern was where they would be staying if they chose to spend the night off. But my daughter, the one who gives me the most grief, the whiner, the selfish one, shocked me with her response. She said, "What would be the easiest for you momma?" She took my breath away. I am crying now just remembering her sweet words. I know, we hope and pray that we are raising children who will be productive and successful adults. We also hope that somewhere along the way they learn to be caring and thoughtful individuals as well. I have witnessed a few such moments with the W's. An opportunity to share a toy or a kind word for friend but the moments seem few and far between especially when dealing with each other. I hope they happen more often when I am not around to hear. I was so proud of her and thankful for her caring heart. It gives me hope that we are doing something right.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Date Night Bunko

Saturday night, Mouse and I hosted Couples Bunko for my Bunko group. This is the 3rd such event we have held at our house and I believe this one was the best. Since I had February but missed Valentine's Day by a week, the Theme was Date Night Bunko with a few Valentine decorations thrown in. All the regulars were in attendance except for A and W (We missed ya'll) but did have a great couple to sub. I love hosting Bunko. My favorite part is deciding on the theme and buying the gifts. (No wonder I bought a party planning business!) I hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as Mouse and I enjoyed having you in our home. And to the winner's, I hope you are enjoying your gifts.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Here We Go Again

In 2006, I got the biggest scare of my life. My Ob/Gyn sent me to have a mammogram since I had reached the "over 35 mark." Around our house, we laughed about getting older and starting all those doctors appointments. All that laughter turned to tears quickly, when they saw something suspicious on the pictures. I had to have more pictures taken and eventually a biopsy before it was determined that everything was fine. What they had found were calcifications, and they were not the cancerous type. The whole process took about 4 weeks but seemed like a lifetime. I was scared, probably more scared than I have ever been in my life and was so relieved to find out that everything was fine and has been fine since then, until now... In January, I went for my annual mammogram (see previous post). A week later, I received that dreaded phone call again. They saw something on the x-rays that they didn't like and wanted me to come in for more pictures. I went on Wednesday, had the pictures taken and spoke with the Radiologist. It was like de-ja-vu'. Calcifications....Biopsy....Options....6 months....Surgery. I had really hoped that I wouldn't hear those words again but here they were. I shared with this doctor that there were no options for me, I didn't want to wait at all. I wanted the biopsy as soon as possible and he was glad to hear it. My doctor called me on Friday to share the referral they had made for me with a surgeon and that he would see me on Monday morning. I sat down with the W's and told them the child's version of what was happening. #1W remembered from 2006 but the boys didn't. They are confused and worried about their momma but I reassured them that everything will be OK. What else do you say?
So here we are, Mouse and I met with the surgeon this morning and I am scheduled to have the biopsy on Friday, February 27. And let me say, I am just as scared as I was the last time. We are praying for good news and we ask that you pray for the same. We'll keep you posted...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Other Hornet

#2W is playing basketball for the recreation department this year. Guess what his team's name is? The Hornets :) This is a much more competitve league than those he has played for in the past. I was concerned that he might shy away from these more aggressive players and possibly be intimidated with this level of play. We have been so proud of how he has hung with these bigger and more aggressive players. He has learned to hang so well that he had 4 fouls before half time in his last game. I guess I didn't have anything to worry about.

The Last First Tooth

My baby has lost his first tooth. It is so exciting for him but so sad for me. It will be my last, first tooth. I could just cry. I want him to be a big boy but I struggle daily with making him still be a baby. I take comfort in knowing that he will always be My Baby.

PS. I guess I should have washed that blood off his face before I took the picture. Sorry :)

My Lady Hornet

This is my Lady Hornet (#15). I am so proud of her and her effort during her first season as a Hornet. Way to Go Girl!!