Thursday, September 18, 2008

2 Months and Still Counting

September 18, 2008. Today marks 2 months since Poppa passed away. I tried to think about what is different today than 62 days ago. Maybe the pain is not quite as sharp. Perhaps the colors of my grief are just a little duller. However, there are may things that have happened in the 1502 hours since he passed that I so wish he could have seen or experienced with us. I can't even explain how he would have felt watching #1W start those races and cross those finish lines. There are no words for his feelings about watching #2W on that football field. And he would have been studying soccer hard so that he could understand all the rules when he watched the #3W run and kick on that field. The number of times I have needed to pick up the phone and talk about some issue with the business or taxes are too numerous to count. OMG, I wonder what he would be thinking about Sarah Palin? I would die for just a word of wisdom about our economy and what I need to do to protect my family and our business.

I have a picture of him from one of his many golfing trips to Scotland. He is standing in the rain with a funny hat on and he is laughing. I framed it and put it in my kitchen. I look at it every morning as I turn on the lamp that signifies the start of the day in our house. Some mornings, I actually pick up the frame and look at him. He is so happy. I can almost hear him laughing out loud. Other days, it is only a glance. Just a quick reminder of him is all I can handle. I still miss him so much.

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