Monday, September 22, 2008

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Yesterday, the boys and I were riding in the car when the #3W posed the strangest question to me. I am always amazed at the strange things he asks but sometimes it seems like the words should be coming out of an adult's mouth not a 5 year old. The question was, "Momma, what is it like when you ride in the car by yourself?" The randomness of the question was as curious as the question itself. I turned around and looked at him and said, "Well, it's lonely, I miss you all when I'm riding by myself" I was praying no lightning bolt would strike me for telling such a blatent lie. He wasn't impressed with the answer nor was he finished with me. "NO, I mean what is it like to be in the car by yourself. You know, like when you are driving to work." So I said, " Well, you know, I spend most of my time in the car by myself praying. I pray for you three, and daddy, and grammy. I pray for our business and our employees. I pray for the children who play on our equiptment," and just as I was preparing to add another prayer issue he said, "I bet you pray for God to help you get everything done that you have to do every day." I wanted to pull the car over and cry. My whole life is spent waiting on Mouse, and the 3W's and the only one who gets it is the 5 year old. I looked back at him and laughed and said, "You are so right buddy!!"


Kristy said...

That's a 3rd child for you-sitting back and watching what's really going on and taking it all in!

Unknown said...

When will my people grasp that?