Friday, August 15, 2008

First Day of School for the Big W's

Yesterday was the 1st full day for the #1W and the #2W. #1 started the 6th grade this year. MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!. I will never forget middle school. Will you? Along with more responsibility there will be much more priviledges and free time for her. That's really scary. She is pretty responsible and still afraid of getting in trouble but I don't know about the rest of her class. I guess we will just see as the year progresses. She wants to try out for basketball and has decided to run cross county. Maybe we can run in a race together. That would be pretty cool. #2 is in the 3rd grade. He says that school is AWESOME! A suprising term to describe school. I hope he continues to think it is so great. I loved the way he described the new girl in his class. He said that she was really nice, not really cute but that she was friends with the whole class by the end of the day. Don't you just love that honesty they possess? He is definately my social child. I can't believe they are growing up so fast. I am looking forward to this school year and all it will hold. It is exciting to me to watch them learn and grow not only educationally but also emotionally. I enjoy their relationships and marvel at their perception of life. I can hardly wait to see what comes next. GiGi

PS Hey Semi-Slacker Mom, notice that the only first day picture I took was for #3. I have a 1st day picture from every year except this one. I guess I was in too big a hurry to get everyone out the door and to their designated coordinates. See, we all are semi-slackers.

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