Monday, August 25, 2008

My Left Nut

My favorite part of going away for the weekend without my children is the stories I get when we return. Believe me, we have heard some doozies. The day we left to go out of town ,the first time for #3, he stuck a china berry up his nose which everyone swore came out at the school but in fact Mouse pulled out 3 WEEKS LATER. We once returned from a golfing weekend to find #2W with an entire mouth imprint on his cheek from the guests he was staying with. The #1W painted an her hosts foyer with sanitary napkins while we were away and #2 dropped the following phrase "I lost the "God D___ ball!" while spending the weekend with my parents. (We got a telephone call for that one) But the story I got this morning is the best by far. Mouse and I spent the past weekend celebrating a birthday with some of the Bunko Babes in Biloxi. #2W and #3W stayed at home with our friend, Jan. (Bless her soul) The weather called for rain all day Saturday so they decided to go to the movies. She took them to see PRINCE CASPIEN and then to Stevie B's for pizza and some arcade games. We love the Narnia books so I knew that the boys were thrilled to get to see this show. Apparently, as they were waiting outside Stevie B's for her children to join them for dinner there was some discussion about the movie and how great it was when #3W piped up and said, " I would give my left nut to see that movie again." I told you there was never a dull moment when he's around.


Kristy said...

Love it, love it, love it!!!

Unknown said...

Where on earth did he pick that up?!? That is too funny!

Amy said...

OMG...if he only knew what giving that up might mean! Funniest thing I've heard/read all day! Glad y'all had fun :)

Beckie said...

Surely I have a pic of the pads on the wall??? You are cracking me up! I can't remember the specific biting incidents - there were too many - I just remember being constantly mortified by it all! (yes, for all reading comments - Tee was a biter)

Ashlee said...

I am crying I'm laughing so hard. That is hilarious. I've got it coming too, I know.