Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bye Bye 2009

Bye, Bye 2009. It's time to bid you farewell and usher in a new and hopefully prosperous new year. Our 2009 was full of adventure, failure, excitement, sadness, growth, and injury but mostly full of love. Please enjoy our trip down memory lane..........

The beginning of the year brought us a little winter weather. Do you see the look of pure joy on their faces? That is the product of a few mere flurries of the white stuff. The 3W's didn't care how much there was of it, they were just excited to see it. Snow, Snow, Snow!!!!!!!!!

My baby lost his first tooth in February. It was an exciting day for him and a sad day for me. It was our last first tooth :(

January and February was full of basketball games for the #1W and #2 W. Can you believe it, they were both HORNETS!
Here's our Lady Hornet! Don't you love the braids?

#2 is waiting to see if the foul is called on him. He likes to play aggressive. We saw the inside of gymnasiums all over the Middle Georgia Area. #3W was such a trooper. Cheerfully going wherever the game was but always looking for ways to entertain himself as well as the crowd. Check out this crowd pleasing trick!

The weekend after Valentine's Day, Mouse and I hosted DATE NIGHT BUNKO for my Bunko group. It was so much fun. There was lots of good food and drink but mostly good company. We enjoyed rolling the dice and a few of us even left with some special prizes to spice up our date night.

March came with Mouse's 42nd birthday, #1W's 12th birthday and my 41st. Mouse and I quietly passed our days hoping no one would notice but the #1W chose a special way to celebrate her Big Day! She invited 4 of her closest friends to attend a Magic show at our church. His name was Brock Gill and he is a Christian Illusionist. It was impressive!

In March our two dogs, Macy and Cleo were taken from us. And when I say taken, I literally mean taken. Someone came into our yard and took them. First Cleo and 5 weeks later, to the day, someone took Macy. We still mourn the loss of these two great ladies. The were a very special part of our family. We miss you Cleo and Macy.

On a rainy evening in April, while driving down Bluff Road, we spotted this pup. She was about 4 weeks old, covered in mange and fleas. She had no fur to speak of, but we saw something
special in her. We picked her up on the side of that muddy road
and brought her home. After many attempts at a name that had
some meaning to it, we finally gave up and called her Jessie. She is
the most interesting dog I have ever been around. She craves
human affection and she LOVES US!!!!

In the spring, we were base balling it every day. #2W moved up
to B ball and #3W played his last year of T ball. Mouse helped coach the B ball Rangers. Let me just say, it was a nightmare season. I really thought we had lost him to coaching forever. Regardless of the record and even with all the frustration, #2W loved playing. #3W was a T ball Brave this year. He was so serious on the field and in the dugout. He is looking forward to moving up to C ball next year.
Once again, the Fort Valley Arts Alliance presented another children's play this spring. The Wizard of Oz had 2 performances the last weekend in May. Tryouts were held in April and practice began shortly after. Here are The Funky Narrator, The Scarecrow and Munchkin. It was a GREAT SHOW! The Saturday of the final show, #2W and #3W had baseball games. #3's was farely early in the day so there was to be no conflicts and #2's was to start at 4. Theoretically it should have been over by 6, we hop in the car, he change and be at the Theater by 6:30 in plenty of time for the 7:00 show. At 4:00 the 2:00 game was not over and and at 4:15 it went into extra innings. Needless to say, his game got started about 5:00 was over by 6:40 and we pulled into the theater with 5 minutes to spare. In May, the 3W's, my mother and myself made a trip to Oklahoma for my cousin's wedding. #3W had been asked to be the ring bearer.
Doesn't he look handsome in his tux. We enjoyed out time in the tuxedo store and watching him be dressed by the sales lady. He was loving every minute of it

The #3W had a great Kindergarten year with Aunt Marshy and his teacher. Here they are on the last day of school. There were lots of tears. They will miss each other next year but loved every minute of this year together.

Here he is with his three best friends from school. Can you spell t-r-o-u-b-l-e?

The #2W celebrated his double digit birthday with a bash at grandma and grandaddy's house. We brought the Rock Wall and Slip n Slide and let them swim in the pool but I think they had more fun playing baseball in the yard.

Our Family Vacation at Ormond was a GREAT trip again this year. The Bent Palm is our most favorite place on earth

School started back with a bang. #1W a 7th Grader, #2W a 4th Grader and #3W in the 1st Grade. For the first time ever, they were all in school at the same place. Much easier on momma but much harder on the pocketbook. #2W and #3W played in the Little Stinger Football league at school. At a practice after the 1st game, #2W broke his arm. We thought for sure his football season was done for the year but the Dr. E said if he wanted to continue playing he could. (Was he kidding!!!!!) Their 2nd game was the night he got his cast put on. We came home from the doctor, he put on his jersey and we headed to the game. His coaches were great and allowed him to warm up with the team and even serve as a captain for the coin toss. He was at practice in full pads the next week and never missed another game. He even had to wear the cast a couple extra weeks to be able to continue to the end of the season. As a 1st grader, #3w served as a whipping boy to get pulverized and knocked down for the majority of his 1st season as a Hornet. They play had and get hit hard just to make it to the final game where they get to carry the ball. Everyone cleared their schedules to attend and he gave us a good show. He even got to carry the ball twice.
In November, #1W tried out the the school basketball team and made it. She was thrilled as were we. The beginning of 2010 will be full of exciting games to watch. She was also nominated for the Duke TIP Scholarship. This is really exciting. Her grades on the ITBS test were so high that she was chosen by Duke University to participate in this program they have for 7th Graders. She will take the SAT in January and Duke University will follow her throughout the remainder of her school years. It seems to be a pretty big deal! We are very proud of her. She is growing up to be quite a young lady. Thanksgiving was spent with family from out of town. My uncle and aunt from Oklahoma , my aunt and her family from Florida and my cousins were here for several days. Andrew, Kim, Jared and Sarah stayed at our house. We loved every minute they were here.
I started training for a half marathon. That is 13.1 miles. The race will be held on February 6, 2010 on Tybee Island. I know you think I'm crazy. I think I'm crazy but I'm excited at the same time. It will be quite an accomplishment for me. I have made 2 new friends and they are training with me as well as Rebecca from Rebecca's Ramblings. It will be a fun race! I'll let you know how it turns out.
Here is the picture of the 3W's and Jessie from our Christmas card this year. We have had such a blessed year. One that has been spent trying to heal broken hearts and fill voids that were once overflowing with life. God has been so good to send peace and love for our family. Our prayer for 2010 is continued peace and love. We are going to try to live a simpler life in 2010. Spend less and give more is our new moto. For me, I want to be more available to my children and Mouse. Not just taking care of their physical needs but to listen to them and spend time with them when they want me to not when I have time to. I am praying for a successful year with our business and year full of love for our family. Until next time.....

Friday, December 11, 2009

OCTOBER 14, 2009


My baby turned 7 today! I can't believe it. I have loved every minute of the last 7 years with you and can hardly wait to see what tomorrow holds. I love you, Muffin!!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's Back to School for the W's

After dropping $145 on school supplies, $300 on new shoes and $400 on "dress code" approved clothing, we are back in school. For the first time ever, I have all 3 in the same place. It has made my morning and afternoon routines so much easier not to mention the mileage on the Taho. HOWEVER, it is certainly a little tougher on the pocketbook. I am finding it hard to swallow that collectively we pay more for the W's school tuition than all our other household bills combined. I think there is something wrong with this picture :( Don't get me wrong..... I love the W's school. Hell, Mouse and I are both alumni but DAMN!!!!!!

2009-2010 school year we have a 7th Grader, 4th Grader and 1st Grader. I can't believe it. I feel like it was just yesterday, I was in the 7th Grade. Thank the Lord I'm not but I sure don't feel old enough to have a 7th Grader and yet my #1W is one. Let me add that raising a pre-teen girl is proving to be more difficult than being a pre-teen girl. I would not have believed that to be possible but it is. Between the hormones that are providing her with bumps on her face as well as her chest to the daily tears and horrible attitude, I'm not sure who is going to last the longest in this household!!! I really feel sorry for her. I hated being 12, 13, 14...... Please Pray . #2W was really excited about his teacher and class mates this year. Not so much the new dress code!! His best friend is in his class again this year and that makes him feel indestructable. Together they can take on anything(anyone). Football will be starting soon (woohoo.....not!!!) Kinda of scared of that sport but he loves it and so does his dad. Oh well. #3W has presented me the greatest source of stress in the school area to date. Last night he told me that he did not want to go back to school. He said that it really wasn't that much fun and that his teacher yells a lot. My heart was breaking. It is hard enough to send him off everyday but to do it when he doesn't even like it....... I sent him a napkin with a note yesterday in his lunch box. I figured he would see it and secretly like it but be afraid to let anyone else see and promptly throw it away. NOPE... This is the conversation:
#3W: "Momma, I found that napkin you wrote on in my lunch box"
Gigi: "You did?"
#3W: "Yes, and I put it in my lunch box, I wanted to be able to keep it"
GiGi: sniff "You did?!?" sniff
How is it that they are just so sweet? Well, we are hoping for things to get better for him and I know they will.

Maybe not, guess what the question this morning was? ...... "How many days again till Saturday?" LORD, PLEASE HELP US ALL!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

In Memory...

In memory of Herman Light, who met the Lord face to face on July 18, 2008.......

These were the words my dear mother wrote for the church messenger this past Sunday. Since July 18 marked the day my Poppa passed away, was on Saturday, she had our local florist make a "colorful" arrangement to be placed on the church's alter for the Sunday service on the 19th. She said, "You know Herman loved lots of color." She was very proud of these beautiful flowers and the opportunity to do something for him.

This year has been so difficult for me. In some ways, I am relieved to have passed the one year mark. We made it though all the firsts. We marked his birthday with balloons and a special "Happy Birthday To You" song in his back yard. We passed Thanksgiving with out of town guests. Christmas was the hardest. We cried a little and laughed a little but made the most of the day. Their anniversary was soooo sad for mother. Her birthday and mother's day passed with little words about him but his absence was felt by everyone. My nephew's wedding was particulaly difficult. It was so hard watching my mother walk in and sit next to that empty seat and to read the lovely note with the flowers that were placed at the guest book in his honor. He would have loved that wedding and throroughly enjoyed watching the W's dance around the reception. I cannot even really talk about Father's Day. You can imagine. But of all the firsts, the anniversary of the day he died was the one I have dreaded the most. I knew that once that day passed I could no longer say(think), this time last year we did this or I saw Poppa this day last year. I know it sounds really silly but passing that one year mark makes him feel even farther away. I know people say that it gets better with time and I guess some of it does. Like, I can look at his picture now and I don't burst into tears everytime I think about him. I can even laugh when I remember some great thing he said or did. I even told my mother how much Poppa would have loved watching Tom Watson play in the British Open this weekend. He would have relished every second of watching that man play that tournament and would have talked about it for days. And I was able to tell her that without tears. But regardless of how much better I am coping with my own emotions I miss him as much, if not more, today than I did a year ago. There are times that I cannot breathe when I think about him and how empty my life is without him. How the one constant, the one truly safe place I had is gone and how I have to figure out this crazy life without his input, advice and even criticism is more than I can take. I am greatful that the Lord took him peacefully and that he is watching over us every day, but.......Hopefully, this next year will bring some peace to our family and maybe even some JOY!! That's what we are praying for. i love you, poppa

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It's A Double Digit Day!!

10 Years ago today my #2W as born. I cannot believe it. It was a very scary time for us. I had been on bed rest for 3 weeks since he tried to come out at 32 weeks. Thankfully, the doctors were able to help me keep him cooking for 3 more weeks but on the morning of July 8, 1999 he decided it was long enough. He was born by c-section at 11:46 am. He weighed 7 lbs even and was 19 inches long and he was 5 weeks early!!! He slept almost 24/7 for the first 3 weeks of his life and then one day he woke up and he hasn't stopped yet.
He loves sports. Hasn't found one yet he doesn't enjoy and would try to play anything. He never meets a stranger and is always looking for adventure. He is a true friend. He is passionate about everything he does but can quickly move from the baseball field to the acting stage. We love watching him perform whether it is on the playing field, in our living room or in the theater. We have the loved watching him grow over the last 10 years and can hardly wait to see what the rest of his life holds. WE LOVE YOU Y-Man!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Easter Story Cookies

Last Easter, a good friend of mine shared the recipe for these Easter Story Cookies. Our family really enjoyed making them and thought you might too.

To be made the evening before Easter

1 cup whole pecans
1 tsp vinegar
3 egg whites
pinch of salt
1 cup sugar
ziploc baggie
wooden spoon

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. This is important - don't wait until you're half done with the recipe!! :)

Place pecans in ziploc baggie and let children beat them with the wooden spoon to break into small pieces. Explain that after Jesus was arrested, He was beaten by the Roman soldiers. Read John 19:1-3

Let each child smell the vinegar. Put 1 tsp of vinegar into the mixing bowl. Explain that when Jesus was thirsty on the cross, He was given vinegar to drink. Read John 19:28-30

Add the egg whites to the vinegar. Eggs represent life. Explain that Jesus gave His life to give us life. Read John 10:10-11

Sprinkle a little salt into each child's hand. Let them taste it and brush the rest into the bowl. Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus' followers, and the bitterness of our own sin. Read Luke 23:27

So far, the ingredients are not very appetizing. Add 1 cup of sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died because He loves us. He wants us to know and belong to Him. Read Psalms 34:8 and John 3:16

Beat with a mixer on high speed for 12 to 15 minutes until stiff peaks are formed. Explain that the color white represents the purity in God's eyes of those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus. Read Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3

Fold in broken nuts. Drop by teaspoons onto a wax paper covered cookie sheet. Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus' body was laid. Read Matthew 27:57-60

Put the cookie sheet in the oven, close the door and turn the oven OFF. Give each child a piece of tape and seal the oven door. Explain that Jesus' tomb was sealed. Read Matthew 27:65-66


Explain that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven overnight. Jesus' followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed. Read John 16:20 and 22

On Easter morning, open the oven and give everyone a cookie. Notice the cracked surface and take a bite. The cookies are hollow!! On the first Easter, Jesus' followers were amazed to find the tomb open and empty. Read Matthew 28:1-9

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

To Tan or Not To Tan?!?

In light of this new skin cancer issue I am dealing with, I am now faced with a new dilema. To tan or not to tan. We all know that the only way to make white, jiggly skin look better is to add a little color to camoflauge it. For those of you who know me well, you understand how much stress this is causing me. But for those of you who don't, I have been and avid sun bather for years (thus the skin cancer!!!). Not only have I spendt hours laying out by the pool or at the beach but I also regularly enjoy the tanning bed. Since my days of languishing in the sun have been extremely limited by the addition of my 3 children, I have found that I can achieve the same results in a fraction of the time at our local indoor tanning salon. Let's just say that I have spent lots of time and lots of dollars to attain the glow to which I have become accustomed.
I knew that this skin cancer was caused by too much sun exposure and that I would need to cut down on the amount of time that I spent baking my skin but I thought that maybe I could still use the tanning bed. I was sure that the UV rays couldn't possibly be as bad as those from the sun. So, as I am waiting for my surgery to start I proceeded to ask Dr. K about my future tanning needs. He shared with me that I would need to invest in some good sunscreen and a hat. I expected this answer and decided to go ahead and ask about the tanning bed. The conversation went something like this,
Gigi: "Dr. K, I understand about limiting my time in the sun, but what about the tanning bed."
Gigi: "Yes, sir"
Dr. K: "Not only can you get damage from the UV rays but you can also get SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES!!"
GiGi: "OMG! Really?"
Dr. K: "Yes, Really!"
Needless to say, I was disgusted. So here I am, pale, white and jiggly with no prospect to change any of these adjectives in my near future.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I have a lot of catching up to do. Let's see.... where do I begin? I guess first of all I should let everyone know that my breast biopsy came back negative for cancer and I have recovered from the procedure. I do have a really nice scar to show for it though. I guess there will be no nude photo shoot in my future. (not that there would have been one any way :) On the 24th I had the surgery to remove the skin cancer from my forehead. OMG!!! When they took me back to the room to remove the bandage and talk with the doctor about the repair work, I was in for the shock of my life. Did I mention, that this place on my forehead was about the size of a pencil eraser? When they held the mirror for me to see, I couldn't do anything but cry. I looked like I had a bullet hole about the size of a nickle in my head. 25 stitches later, I am cancer free. Thank the Lord. March 25th was my #1W's 12th Birthday. Please put our family on your daily prayer list. March 28th was my 41st birthday. Mouse and I went out for a great meal and he gave me a Wii Fit. I LOVE IT!!! We are in the throws of baseball season. It is one of my favorite past times. Both of my boys are playing and as busy as we are, I love attending the games as well as the practices. I will close with the latest story that #3W shared with his class today. Mouse put a steak knife in my purse at the restaurant the other knife. #3W found it this morning and asked where it came from. I told him it was an extra one and that daddy put it in my purse. I get a call from my sister in law today. She is #3W's teacher. Apparently he told his class today that his daddy stole a knife and that I had it in my car. Before I received the call from her, he and I were sitting in the car and he asked me why daddy stole the knife. I told him that daddy didn't steal the knife and proceeded to repeat the story I had told him this morning. He stands up and put his hand on his hips and said "You mean to tell me, I told all the kids in my class that for nothing?!?" I know you think there is no way to top that but it gets better. Mouse comes home and gets on to him for telling stories at school. Mouse tells him that momma and daddy don't steal and he pulls out his wallet and shows it to him. "I have enough money to buy a knife if I want one. I don't have to steal one and don't go to school tomorrow and talk about me showing you my wallet, ok?" Hold onto your seat, the response is priceless. "OK daddy, I won't. I know why too. Cause you might have stole it!"

Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 25, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRISS!!! Seems like it was just yesterday that you came to brighten our world. We have enjoyed the last 11 years of great memories and are looking forward to many, many more. WE LOVE YOU POOKIE ROO!!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dead woMan Walking

Did you ever watch the movie Dead Man Walking with Sean Penn? He was a criminal who had been sentenced to death. The movie centered around his last few days on death row and the famous scene of the "Dead Man Walking." It was an awesome movie. I don't like Sean Penn but the story was great and he was great in it. I felt like Sean Penn today. I had my surgery on Friday and have waited 5, incredibly long days for the biopsy results. Yesterday was horrible. Even though I have been through this before, I was just as scared as the last time. Maybe even more scared if that is possible. I woke up about 3:30am and never went back to sleep. All I could think about was how the doctor would break the news to me. I didn't want to walk in that room and be suprised by anything he said. Every scenario I could possibly imagine played out in my mind. I had felt all morning like this doctors appointment was going to be similar to going before a judge and being handed a death sentence. I met Mouse in front of the doctor's office and couldn't even look at him. I was going to walk in their strong and without fear but I knew if I looked at him, he would see right through my flimsy facade. I expected a long wait but was suprised with hearing my name being called immediately upon signing in. You know what I was thinking, " They have been waiting on me." I felt like my legs were made of lead with sand bags tied to my feet. I was a DEAD woMAN WALKING!! I undressed and we waited on the judge, I mean doctor. He walked in and said the words I was desperate to hear (but didn't dare hope for), "Everything is Good. NO CANCER. I could barely breathe. For the first time, I looked over at Mouse. He was in tears. Maybe we were both in the same place when we walked into that doctors office. It is so crazy how our lives just plod along the same way, day after day and week after week and then you get a word that your life might not be exactly as you had been planning it to be. Everything you have been counting on and everything you have been expecting, STOPS while you wait on words from a stranger. Someone who knows absolutely nothing about you or your family or your life and you know nothing about him except that he holds your life in his hands. At the end of the day, I am so grateful for the beautiful words from this stranger.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

She Took My Breath Away

I had been struggling with making arrangements for the W's on Friday morning when I have my biopsy. I knew it would probably be easier for me to have them spend the night with family or friends so I would be assured they got to school on time and that no one had to wake up at the crack of dawn to be at my house and get them ready. But I also knew how concerned they were about me and I didn't want them to be with someone else on Thursday night when they wanted to be at home with me and Mouse. I thought about it so much my head hurt and I finally decided to just ask them what they wanted to do. So, on the the way to school Monday morning I asked them if they wanted me to make arrangements for them to spend the night off on Thursday night or stay at home with us. I explained that their daddy and I would be leaving very early on Friday morning and we could have grammy come to our house to get them off to school or they could go to a friends home on Thursday night. The boys didn't really seem to care. Their only concern was where they would be staying if they chose to spend the night off. But my daughter, the one who gives me the most grief, the whiner, the selfish one, shocked me with her response. She said, "What would be the easiest for you momma?" She took my breath away. I am crying now just remembering her sweet words. I know, we hope and pray that we are raising children who will be productive and successful adults. We also hope that somewhere along the way they learn to be caring and thoughtful individuals as well. I have witnessed a few such moments with the W's. An opportunity to share a toy or a kind word for friend but the moments seem few and far between especially when dealing with each other. I hope they happen more often when I am not around to hear. I was so proud of her and thankful for her caring heart. It gives me hope that we are doing something right.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Date Night Bunko

Saturday night, Mouse and I hosted Couples Bunko for my Bunko group. This is the 3rd such event we have held at our house and I believe this one was the best. Since I had February but missed Valentine's Day by a week, the Theme was Date Night Bunko with a few Valentine decorations thrown in. All the regulars were in attendance except for A and W (We missed ya'll) but did have a great couple to sub. I love hosting Bunko. My favorite part is deciding on the theme and buying the gifts. (No wonder I bought a party planning business!) I hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as Mouse and I enjoyed having you in our home. And to the winner's, I hope you are enjoying your gifts.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Here We Go Again

In 2006, I got the biggest scare of my life. My Ob/Gyn sent me to have a mammogram since I had reached the "over 35 mark." Around our house, we laughed about getting older and starting all those doctors appointments. All that laughter turned to tears quickly, when they saw something suspicious on the pictures. I had to have more pictures taken and eventually a biopsy before it was determined that everything was fine. What they had found were calcifications, and they were not the cancerous type. The whole process took about 4 weeks but seemed like a lifetime. I was scared, probably more scared than I have ever been in my life and was so relieved to find out that everything was fine and has been fine since then, until now... In January, I went for my annual mammogram (see previous post). A week later, I received that dreaded phone call again. They saw something on the x-rays that they didn't like and wanted me to come in for more pictures. I went on Wednesday, had the pictures taken and spoke with the Radiologist. It was like de-ja-vu'. Calcifications....Biopsy....Options....6 months....Surgery. I had really hoped that I wouldn't hear those words again but here they were. I shared with this doctor that there were no options for me, I didn't want to wait at all. I wanted the biopsy as soon as possible and he was glad to hear it. My doctor called me on Friday to share the referral they had made for me with a surgeon and that he would see me on Monday morning. I sat down with the W's and told them the child's version of what was happening. #1W remembered from 2006 but the boys didn't. They are confused and worried about their momma but I reassured them that everything will be OK. What else do you say?
So here we are, Mouse and I met with the surgeon this morning and I am scheduled to have the biopsy on Friday, February 27. And let me say, I am just as scared as I was the last time. We are praying for good news and we ask that you pray for the same. We'll keep you posted...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Other Hornet

#2W is playing basketball for the recreation department this year. Guess what his team's name is? The Hornets :) This is a much more competitve league than those he has played for in the past. I was concerned that he might shy away from these more aggressive players and possibly be intimidated with this level of play. We have been so proud of how he has hung with these bigger and more aggressive players. He has learned to hang so well that he had 4 fouls before half time in his last game. I guess I didn't have anything to worry about.

The Last First Tooth

My baby has lost his first tooth. It is so exciting for him but so sad for me. It will be my last, first tooth. I could just cry. I want him to be a big boy but I struggle daily with making him still be a baby. I take comfort in knowing that he will always be My Baby.

PS. I guess I should have washed that blood off his face before I took the picture. Sorry :)

My Lady Hornet

This is my Lady Hornet (#15). I am so proud of her and her effort during her first season as a Hornet. Way to Go Girl!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Today I went for the dreaded mammogram. I really wonder who invented that machine. You know it had to be a man & one with sadomasochistic tendencies. Who would ever think that the best way to look for lumps in a woman's breasts would be to mash them flat as a pancake in between 2 plexiglass plates. And have you ever looked down to see what they look like mashed that flat? Let me just say, DON'T DO IT! If you are like me, and wear a 34 A on a good day, you know what kind of work goes into making those puppies flat while standing up straight, holding onto the arm rail with a death grip, pulling your shoulder back, making sure your hair doesn't get in the way, trying not to let the flimsy robe fall off completely, and all the while HOLDING YOUR BREATH!!!! When Mouse called to see how it went, I told him how horrible it was and guess what he said? "Ah, couldn't be that bad." I asked him how he thought it might feel if we placed his appendage up on a plexiglass pedestal and proceeded to smash it flat as a pancake with a plexiglass plate. Guess what? He had no comment.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

January 18, 2009

On this 18th day of the New Year, I thought I would take a minute and post what has been happening in our world since the new year began. #1W has been back in school 9 days, attended 8 basketball practices and played 4 games. She has spent the night off twice and been texting like crazy. She has also had no sweets and no junk food as she is participating in the Daniel Fast until January 21 (I'll post more about this soon.) #2W has been back in school 9 days, attended 1 basketball practice and played 3 games. He has been seen in the emergency room once and had one x-ray. No broken bones just sprained tendons. He has played for hours on the Wii and killed 4 squirrels with his BB gun. #3W has been back in school 8 days, read Green Eggs and Ham to his Kindergarden class and has his first loose tooth. He has ridden hundreds of miles in the car and spent several hours attending the #1W and the #2W's practices and games (with no complaints I might add). Mouse has already been on an overnight business trip and has another scheduled for the 1st of next month. He is battling pneumonia which he was diagnosed with last week. He has also attended all the ball games and most of the practices for #1W and #2 and is participating in the Daniel fast. So no meat or sweets since January 1. I have made 20 trips to Westfield. I have been visited by 2 different auditors and attended 5 meetings at school. I have been diagnosed with skin cancer, had a place removed and more surgery scheduled. I have attended all the ball games and practices for the older W's and am also participating in the Daniel fast. Our life is very full these days :)

ps: As I was proofing this post, I realized that the date was the 18th. Poppa has been gone for 6 months today.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Yes, I realize that this post should have been made yesterday on the 1st day of 2009. But..... I spent most of the day recovering from our New Year's Eve Celebration. For many years now, Mouse and I have spent New Year's Eve at Natalia's. This tradition, for Mouse and I, started on December 31, 1996. 12 years ago, it doesn't seem possible. I was pregnant with #1W and had received a Gift Certificate for Natalia's from work. We had always been big partiers on New Year's Eve but were looking for something a little more low key for this particular celebration. Even thought it was 12 years and 3 children ago, I remember the night in great detail. (Possibly because I was sober?) I even remember what I wore. Mouse and I had such a great time and decided we should tell our friends and maybe bring a group the next year. And thus, the Natalia's New Year's Eve Tradition was born. We haven't attended every year. I think we have skipped 2. One year, we had a party at our house and one year we stayed at home with our children. But for 10 of the last 12 years, we have watched the New Year come in at Natalia's. The cast of characters has changed over the years and the stories of past New Year's Eve's are full of color and drama but these times spent with family and friends are irreplaceable. This year was no exception. Even though, I spent most of New Year's Day recovering from the all the fun, I am already looking forward to next year. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!